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Lopez Grange Presents: Earth Day Film Festival - April 14th & 15th

Lopez Island Grange Presents an Earth Day Film Festival - April 14th & 15th. Two nights of films that celebrate our planet, explore environmental impact, educate, and inspire change.

Date: Friday, April 14th
Time: 7 PM
Film: The Pollinators

About: The Pollinators is a cinematic journey around the United States following migratory beekeepers and their truckloads of honey bees as they pollinate the flowers that become the fruits, nuts and vegetables we all eat. The many challenges the beekeepers and their bees face en route reveal flaws to our simplified chemically dependent agriculture system. Beekeepers, farmers, scientists, chefs and academics give a broad perspective about the threats to honey bees, what it means to our food security and how we can improve it.


Date: Saturday, April 15th
Time: 7 PM
Film: The Seeds of Vandana Shiva

About: How did the willful daughter of a Himalayan forest conservator become Monsanto’s worst nightmare? The Seeds of Vandana Shiva tells the remarkable life story of Gandhian eco-activist Dr. Vandana Shiva, how she stood up to the corporate Goliaths of industrial agriculture, rose to prominence in the seed saving and organic food movements, and is inspiring an international crusade for change.


FREE by Donation. All donations are graciously accepted and added to the Grange's building maintenance and restoration fund.

Shown on the Grange's HUGE movie screen. Popcorn served.

Where: 452 Richardson Rd.